The Company | Electrical Componets Sdn Bhd

The Company

ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SDN BHD began life in 1978 as a research facility by 2 engineers who used to be attached with SIRIM. The venture ran out of funds and it was bought over by the present owners in 1979 as part of a family business diversification exercise.

The company originally began production of A C Power Capacitor utilizing kraft paper and oil impregnation technology. The windings were made with manual hand winders and immersed into oil which was widely used as the standard dielectric at that time. This earliest type of oil contained Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Due to PCB’s environmental toxicity and classification as a persistent organic pollutant, PCB production was banned by the United States in 1979 and later, the international community. This prompted capacitor manufacturers worldwide to migrate to dry-type capacitor with metallised polypropylene film technology.

ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SDN BHD began production of dry-type metallised polypropylene film capacitor in 1983 under the direction of Mr Bettinni Piettro. After retiring from his long service in Arcotronics, Italy, Mr Piettro was engaged by the owners as a consultant from 1983-1988. During his engagement, Mr Piettro not only introduced European capacitor production technology to the company but also inaugurated the original product ranges :

  • ECL 88 Metallised Polypropylene Capacitor For Fluorescent Lamps
  • ECM 88 Metallised Polypropylene Capacitor For Single Phase AC Motors and General AC Use
  • ECP 88 Three-phase Metallised Polypropylene Film Capacitors For Low Voltage Power Factor CorrectionElenex_Minister_Visit

newsThroughout the years, various state of the art capacitor production machines such as automated winders, automated final testing machines, automated spray plant and metal casing grooving/seeming machines were brought in from Europe to enhance product quality and product range expansion.

In 2011, ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SDN BHD became the first and only Aluminium-Cased Cylindrical 3-phase Low Voltage Power Capacitor manufacturer in Malaysia. It was launched during the Official Opening Ceremony of ASEAN ELENEX 2011, the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Datuk Seri Peter Chin.

Today, the company offers not only the original product ranges, it also offers solutions to power factor correction issues with its PFCC and PFCT product ranges for the improvement of energy efficiency.